Every action in your body is totally dependant on your nervous system.
When your nerves communicate without any disruption, your body and brain work together properly.
The reality of life and the stresses that we place on our body whether, physical, mental, or chemical, mean that your body experiences nerve interference or distortion every day.
Your spine, if it's not aligned properly, can cause these communication issues.
This has serious implications to your body.
Your health and energy levels are affected and your body can not run at its optimal level.
These nerve interferences, or communication problems, that affect the normal functioning of your spinal nerves, are what chiropractors call a "subluxation".
If you don't deal with them, subluxations have a huge impact on your health and well-being.
They can cause a range of issues with your health.
Our goal is to find subluxations and remove them.

ACC Registered
No referral needed.
193 Wicksteed Street